Developer Takes Second Bite of the Apple

The developer who in 2015 unsuccessfully attempted to rezone 6 single-family parcels on N. Hampton Road into a Planned Development District with 45 housing units has decided to try it again. This time, however, he wants to build a 100 unit apartment complex, four 8-plex apartment buildings and 13 homes — for a total of 150 units.

A couple of important details — the developer who is now our plan commissioner filed the rezoning case located in his own district AFTER he was appointed. And since 2015 the Dallas Tax Payors will be building him a $2M bridge to Plymouth Rd. This is more like a hostile take-over. Please this website and our social media to find out more about this rezoning effort and other important facts about the developer, his conflicts of interests, and other related concerns and issues. Stay tuned as we add more content.

Proposed elements: a) 100 unit apartment complex, left; b) four 8-Plex apartment buildings (upper right); c) 13 detached homes (bottom right).