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This developer’s previous attempt to rezone this same area was unanimously denied by the City Council. Now that he is the plan commissioner and now that city tax payors will build him a $2M bridge to Plymouth Rd, he want’s a 10x increase in density to make the money of a life time. 


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Opposition to Zoning Case# Z234-244 and Z234-249

Dear Mayor Johnson, Honorable Council Member and Plan Commissioners

My name is %first_name% %last_name% and I live at the address listed at the end of this email.

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed rezoning at the northern end of North Blvd Terrace and N. Hampton Rd in District 1. This zoning amendment request involves 10 single-family (R7.5) parcels and proposes over 30 units per acre consisting of a 100-unit apartment complex, four 8-Plex apartment buildings and 13 homes that may or may not be detached. While I understand the City’s desire to create diverse housing options and to increase the tax base, I have serious concerns that the overall proposed structural, occupant and vehicular density are grossly out of scale for this neighborhood. A development of this size and bulk is a stark departure from the current land use plan and has no clear and irrefutable community/neighborhood benefit. If approved, this change in zoning will forever alter the essential character of this neighborhood and will undeniably lead to increased gentrification and displacement among long-term residents in the neighborhood. The members of this neighborhood have made long term investments in a single-family district incurring 15-30 year mortgages and accordingly should have some reasonable expectation that their neighborhood won’t experience such drastic land use changes.

In the developer's previous attempt to upzone, not only did the community at large oppose it, but the City Council unanimously denied the request without prejudice. That denial was not predicated on the proposal being too small or not having enough density, but rather was a clear signal that the developer should have scaled back his density and reconsidered the conceptual design -- instead he now proposes greater than 10 times the existing density for greater than 30 units/acre.

Residents and homeowners have a right to be protected from over-crowding and its impact on air quality, noise and the basic enjoyment and use of their home. This development which will benefit primarily the developer will conversely have negative effects on available green space, pollution, stormwater run-off, and contribute to the challenges of the heat island effects.

I also have strong objections to the fact that this request is being proposed by a sitting Plan Commissioner for our District. Dallas Code of Ethics states: “No official or employee shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, or engage in any business, transaction, or professional activity: or incur any obligation of any nature that is in conflict with the proper discharge of the city official’s or employee’s duties in the public interest.” Because of his recusal and the likely recusal of our Council Member on this matter, we have lost our elected and duly appointed representation and now must rely on the judgement of "substitutes" that do not live in the district.

To allow this developer, while sitting on the Plan Commission, the right to build in a manner that no one in this neighborhood or all of Dallas is allowed to build, is not fair, is unjust and defies common sense.

I strongly urge you to deny Zoning Case Numbers Z234-244 and Z234-249 and thank you for considering my comments in formulating your opinion on this matter.


%%your signature%%

17 signatures

